"Mo?" is a team idea from Melanie Climent, Jiyoung Lee and myself to give life to our illustrations.
Here is the final edit :
Here is the final edit :
The main idea was to create 3 different atmospheres and blend them together. We combined different technics as animation, particules and compositing tricks to help the 3 environments blend.
We mainly used Photoshop and Nuke for this project.

Jiyoung took care of the first part, a sci-fi environment where she played with scales and forms finding a good combinaison between trees and rocks.
I did the city part, playing with depth, shapes, vectorial style and balanced amount of details.
Melanie, created the hand brushed style snow environment where only light gives us clue about the volumes and shapes create the texture.

3 Link parts were created to blend it all together, the challenge was to keep the specificity of each background; its originality but to make them work all together.
Here is the final illustration:
Here is the final illustration: